The Project against Economic Crime (PECK II) introduced findings and recommendations for advancement of the work and effectiveness of the Anti-Corruption Agency (AKK). Further strengthening of the organizational and operational aspects of AKK, identification of areas of improvement within the organization’s internal structure, as well as identification of institutional capacity development needs of the Agency were the main directions of the research funded by the European Union Office in Kosovo and the Council of Europe.
Competencies of the Agency in relation to development and implementation of the anti-corruption strategy and in respect to institutional representation, responsibility of AKK in developing strategic documents, competencies and capacities of AKK in handling preliminary investigations, public information and media relations, were the main topics of discussion by participants present in the event.
The Director of AKK Mr. Shaip Havolli appreciated the initiative for this research emphasising that “after 10 years of functioning, the Agency needed a review of its role”. He ensured the participants that most of the recommendations appearing in the report have been addressed already and concrete actions taken, adding that several uncertainties related to competencies in certain areas have yet to be clarified. Mr. Havolli on this occasion thanked PECK II project manager and their experts Luis de Sousa and Nicholas Charron for the valuable work in the report, UNDP for expertize provided to AKK in various areas, Council of Europe for technical and professional support in advancing the work of the Agency, as well as relevant factors, civil society organizations and media for cooperation extended.
All actors and factors comprising the anti-corruption mechanism were present in the event, including Kosovo Police, Kosovo Judicial Council, Kosovo Prosecutorial Council, National coordinator for combating Economic Crimes, representatives of Kosovo Assembly, Europian Union Office in Kosovo, UNDP, EULEX, USAID, British Embassy as well as representatives of civil society organizations. The deputy Minister of Justice Mr. Lirak Çelaj, Chairperson of the Assembly’s Commission of Justice Ms. Albulena Haxhiu and Deputy State Chief Prosecutor Ms. Sevdije Morina were invited in the capacity of the panel members apart from Mr. Havolli.