Based on the competencies of the Division for Monitoring of Property set forth in Article 5, paragraph 1.6 of Law no. 03/L-159 for Anti-Corruption Agency and the Law on Declaration, Origin and Control of Property of Senior Public Officials no. 03/L - 151 which was approved by the Assembly on 11 February 2010 and signed by the President dated 02.07.2010 originally the Agency has prepared a form for declaration of assets of senior public officials mentioned in conformity with the above law.
The agency has received lists of senior public officials from institutions of Republic of Kosovo and has distributed a declaration form for all contact officials in the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo.
All contact officials have informed that they have distributed the assets declaration form for all senior public officials.
According to the Law on Declaration, Origin and Control of Property of Senior Public Official no. 03/L - 151, regular annual deadline for declaration of status of assets of senior public officials is 31 March 2010.
Based on the lists that we have received from the respective institutions, for 2010 are 1560 identified senior officials who are obliged to declare their assets.
Up to the 31 March 2010, to this legal obligation have responded 1374 or 88.07% of senior public officials.
During April and May the Agency has made the selection, screening and prior control of the declaration of assets forms of senior public officials and has published them on the official website of the Agency.
Until 1 June from the total number who had the obligation of asset declaration, only 69 senior public officials have not declared their property.
The Agency has initiated offense proceedings against these senior public officials according to the Law on Declaration, Origin and Control of Property of Senior Public Officials no. 03/L - 151.